Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Great Candy Run (Race Recap)

Sunday, November 8
Denver, CO
Weather - Sunny and warm

I decided to sign up to be a "Running Buddy" for Girls on the Run at the The Great Candy Run. I signed up to run with Heather's school. A and I left the house early enough to meet Heather at her house and ride over to Wash Park with her and Dan. Thankfully, since I didn't realize this was pretty much the biggest 5k ever.

Took us a bit to park, and then we walked over to where her girls were. Turns out they all had buddies to run with, so I would just be running with Heather and A.
Heather with A and her GOTR
Me, A and Heather
We headed to the bathrooms and then got into the corrals. A decided at the last minute that she didn't want to run with us because we are "too old and slow." I managed to get back into the last corral with Heather. We didn't end up crossing the start line for almost 20 minutes! Apparently there were about 6,000 people running, according to the race director.
Somewhere WAY up there is the starting line
I was actually a bit sore from running the trail half the day before (and the lower body video the day before THAT), so I was happy that Heather wanted to run "just for fun." Which is what we did. For ME, I actually pushed the pace a bit and actually ran fast (again, for me).

I couldn't believe how warm and sunny it was during the race, I actually got pretty hot, even though I was only wearing a skirt and tee. We had arranged with A and Dan to meet up at the bouncy castles at the finish, and we found each other without any issues.

My times are fairly unimpressive.

Garmin time - 32:07 (seriously, I haven't run this pace in a while)
Garmin distance - 3.15 miles
Garmin pace - 10:11 (practically sprinting)
Mile 1 - 10:44
Mile 2 - 10:00
Mile 3 - 9:55
Mile 3.15 - 9:29

What WAS really impressive was A's performance! She told me she knew she was running fast because she must have passed two thousand people. She could have!


  • Wow, this would have been the most fun race EVER for a first time 5k! There were almost as many spectators as there were runners! The course starts on the road and then runs parallel to Wash park, with a loop inside the park. It was estimated that there were over 3,000 spectators. What a boost for these girls!!
  • For a race this size it was extremely well organized. We picked up our packets the day before, but I could see exactly where I would have picked them up race day.
  • Plenty of bathrooms. Even with around 10,000 people out for the event we only waited maybe 10 minutes.
  • There was one aid station on the course with water and it was well stocked with friendly volunteers.
  • There was a nice long sleeve tech tee (A is wearing it in the start picture). 
  • And according to Heather, this was the first year the race gave out medals. And we all know how much I love medals.
  • This was a really fun race, I would probably run again if I had the chance to be a "real" running buddy!

1 comment:

  1. That looks so fun! Our local GotR 5k is this Saturday, so I'm hoping I can run it (working out the finances to do so).


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