Friday, January 9, 2015

New Years Double Eve 5K and Half Marathon (Race Recaps)

Wednesday, December 31
Allen, TX
Half Marathon #122
New Years Double Year 4
Weather - Cold and Windy

A was really excited that there was going to be a special challenge plate offered for double 5K runs at the New Years Double. She was pretty confident she would be able to do back to back runs.

In the past, one of the nice things about this race was that it didn't start super early. With me doing the   "double double" (5K + a half marathon each day), I would need to be there at 7. A has developed the same paranoia that I have about getting places late, and she decided she wanted to be there an hour early, so we had plans to be out the door by 5:30. The first problem was when we got to the donut shop down the street and I realized I forgot my purse so we had to go back to the hotel to get it.

We found a parking spot right across the street from the start line in the main lot. I dragged A through the bathroom line with about 30 minutes to the start. About 10 minutes to the start I used the port-o-potty right by the start line. A was planning on running with her fleece (it was cold and windy), but I made her pose for a picture without a jacket before heading to the start.

Having never done the separate 5K start, I didn't realize that we would be heading the opposite direction. We headed over just as the first corral was heading out. It was still somewhat dark and they didn't seem to know where they were going. Thankfully, we were a few corrals back, so when we started, we of course just followed the herd.

A made it through the first mile without walking, then at the turnaround, we took another break, and maybe two more before the finish. Overall, she paced fairly well (for once, a comfortable pace for me) and there was no whining. She even had to unzip her fleece and take off her hat because she got warm.

As is her nature, she sprinted when she saw the finish line, trying to leave me in the dust... which she did.

Official Time - 37:45
Garmin Time - 37:48
Garmin Distance - 3.13 miles
Garmin Pace - 12:05
Mile 1 - 11:43
Mile 2 - 12:10
Mile 3 - 12:54
Mile 3.13 - 7:55 (YEP)

After finishing, I had about an hour in before my race. We headed over to talk with Elaine, head volunteer, to find out what A would be doing during my run. I had a last minute "emergency" that left me without someone to watch A during my run, and a quick conversation with Libby allowed A to volunteer at the finish area. (Lucky for me, A is a great volunteer, a good sport, and according to everyone she worked with - SUPER helpful).

Yes, A is really wearing a ski jacket (and a fleece, and two pairs of pants - it was THAT cold). I didn't head over to the start until the first wave started. After dropping A off with Elaine, I ended up missing my wave start. No biggie.

Honestly, I have run this course a zillion times. I don't really remember much. I just kept thinking how unbelievably hard I seemed to be working to not be going all that fast. It was fairly windy, and still cold. I wore long sleeves, capris, a hat and gloves the entire race and never felt warm. Again, knowing how hot I run, this should tell you how cold it was (the temperature never went about 32 degrees).

The lake after the long straightaway behind the neighborhood
Somehow, I lost satellite on my watch somewhere around mile 3. I didn't realize it until I passed the mile marker and never heard my watch beep (I've been trying really hard to only look at the Garmin at each mile). Not sure what happened there, but I paused and restarted and it seemed to catch up.

I looked for A when I came through after the first loop (just minutes before the winner came through), but didn't see her. The first loop always seems to take a long time, the second one usually seems faster, at least on the first day.

I never really felt great, never really felt horrible. Felt like I worked decently hard during this race. Honestly, a pretty consistent race. Nothing under 10, nothing over 11.

Official Time - 2:19:50
Overall Place - 221/605
Gender Place - 111/407
Division Place - 24/67
Garmin Time - 2:19:52
Garmin Pace - 10:41
Mile 1 - 10:46
Mile 2 - 10:30
Mile 3 - 14:25 (this is where my watch stopped GPS'ing)
Mile 4 - 10:06
Mile 5 - 10:20
Mile 6 - 10:37
Mile 7 - 10:18
Mile 8 - 10:11
Mile 9 - 10:28
Mile 10 - 10:46
Mile 11 - 10:38
Mile 12 - 10:47
Mile 13 - 10:20
Mile 13ish - 10:42

I collected A at the finish line, had her snap my picture, and we headed out. Too cold to stick around. Day one, not all that bad.
  • LOVED being totally matchy matchiy with A. Loved that INKnBURN offered this years holiday sweater in a kid size!
  • This is a super organized event, but it seems that the 5K could be organized a bit better (more cones or even chalk or tape on the sidewalk?) so the leaders knew where to go?


  1. Great job to the both of you! You guys look cute in the matching shirts. She is getting so big!

  2. You look so cute all matchy! I love that you have A volunteering young - that's a great lesson to give back to the sport.

  3. Great job to you both! Love the matching outfits!

  4. What a great recap! Love that A was able to help out at the finish. And speed demon beat my most recent 5K time. Go A!


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