Saturday, January 10, 2015

New Years Double Day 5K and Half Marathon (Race Recaps)

Thursday, January 1
Allen, TX
Half Marathon #123
New Years Double Year 4
Weather - COLD. The rainiest EVER. Awful.

We had to pack up everything before heading to the race since check out was 11 am and there was NO way we would be able to get back by then. Luckily, we had packed up almost everything, other than hat we needed race day. Headed out roughly the same time as the day before. This time, we did not stop for donuts because A had gotten a cramp eating before the 5K the day before. She planned on eating after and I had a Lara bar to eat before the half. There had been a heated debate on the FB page about possibly canceling the events on the second day due to the chance of freezing rain. I mean, here in Colorado, races don't get cancelled for that. In Texas, ice and freezing rain is a big deal. We went to bed assuming the race was still on, even though the forecast looked BLEAK:

Ever optimistic, I thought... well it SAYS 100%, but maybe it won't rain until we are done. OR, maybe it will rain, but it won't be heavy rain. Maybe it will just be a drizzle.


Surprisingly, we headed outside to find that it was NOT raining. YAY!! My "no rain" dance worked! We drove to the start, got an even CLOSER parking space and waited. And waited. It was still chilly outside, but NOT raining. Within minutes of getting to the start area, it started to rain. UGH.

We decided to NOT use the bathroom before the start and headed over just in time to run. It had obviously rained overnight as there were a lot of puddles in the beginning. I was CRAZY sore after the day before, and A chose to "run without me" so she could go for a new "high score." Since she doesn't pace well, I caught up with her at the turnaround. I tried to keep her motivated, but she was having NONE of it. She did, however, beat her time from the day before.

Official Time - 37:43
Garmin Time - 37:31
Garmin Distance - 3.16 miles
Garmin Pace - 11:53
Mile 1 - 11:08 (my mile 1 since she ran without me)
Mile 2 - 11:35
Mile 3 - 13:14
Mile 3ish - 10:04

Of course, we weren't able to go right to the car, we had to wait in line for her challenge plate.

She was pumped when she was finally in the car with the heater running and challenge plate in hand.

I spent the next 40 minutes or so whining about how much I did NOT want to run this race. The 5K wasn't terrible, but it was ONLY 3 MILES. I was not feeling great, I was already wet. HOWEVER, I really really really wanted the challenge plate.

Then I remember that I had bought a cheap poncho when I went to Big Cedar. I dug in my backpack to get it out. A kept telling me "Momma, you don't have to run if you don't want to. It's ok." And if I wasn't so insane, I probably would not have run. It was worse than I ever could have imagined. I dropped her off about 20 seconds before I started running for her second day of volunteering (she is a real trooper for staying outside in those conditions).

Two weeks later it is really hard to remember what was hurting, but I remember my hip was bothering me and maybe something else? The first... oh half a mile wasn't so bad. And then it was a run/walk FOR THE REST OF THE RACE. It was POURING. Thankfully, it wasn't as windy as the day before, but it was honestly like standing in a freezing cold shower (with a lot of water pressure). When I came through at the first loop I didn't see A, but then I saw her about a half mile later by the bathrooms. Since I hadn't used the bathrooms earlier, I really had to pee.
Unfortunately, once I stopped moving I FROZE. The last 6 miles of the race was a death march. I could NOT get warm. Obviously I was soaked (I had to take my gloves off after the first mile because they were so wet). I thought if I could pull my sleeves down then I could pull my arms in under my skin to warm me up. Fail. My shirt was pretty much glued to me because of the moisture. THEN, my poncho started to bunch up. I finally ripped off the poncho around mile 10. I discovered that I could pull my arms up under the front of my shirt and then I was warmer, but then I didn't really feel safe running because of the puddles and the sidewalks starting to freeze.

As much as I wanted to be done, and as much as I wanted to run, I couldn't. It was simply warmer to walk with my arms under my shirt. I have never been so miserable. I didn't have my phone on me because of the wet conditions or I might have (probably not), called for someone (anyone?) to come get me.

Official Time - 2:47:55
Overall Place - 199/392
Gender - 110/272
Division Place - 21/37
Garmin Time - 2:47:45 (seriously, the slowest half in FOREVER)
Garmin Distance - 13.42
Garmin Pace - 12:30
Mile 1 - 12:55
Mile 2 - 11:20
Mile 3 - 11:39
Mile 4 - 11:52
Mile 5 - 12:13
Mile 6 - 12:04
Mile 7 - 11:30
Mile 8 - 14:24
Mile 9 - 14:06
Mile 10 - 13:34
Mile 11 - 14:14
Mile 12 - 11:48
Mile 13 - 11:45
Mile 13ish - 10:29

Now... was this worth it??


  • I have run in temperatures 40 degrees colder than this. HOWEVER, this was the coldest and wettest I have ever ever ever been. For real, I thought I was going to keel over and DIE. There was really nothing I could have done different? (other than not run). Are there actual waterproof jackets or gloves?
  • LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the medals and challenge plate and individual medals this year. It is for REAL giant.
  • The shirt is really cool too (I should have a picture). There was a short sleeve for the Eve race (which I gave to A), the Day race is long sleeve charcoal grey tech shirt. Will definitely wear again. Love it.
  • Libby puts on a fantastic event - although next year, I have requested no wind, no rain, and low to mid 40's for temperature. I've already put it in her head that she do something special for the "double double" legacy runners, as I plan on running again next year - for year 5.


  1. Those conditions are insane!! But that medal was so worth it!

  2. That's the awesome-est medal. Love it! I'd love to do this event someday. But, you know, in lots better conditions than you just did it in. That sounds pretty damn miserable.

  3. Well, that sounds completely not fun at all. But the medal is nice, and the concept sounds great! Someday, when I can run distances without, you know, falling apart and requiring surgery, I'd love to participate.

  4. Sorry to hear about the rough and wet experiences. I've run a full marathon in cold and wet, but definitely not as cold as yours.

    I have a few windbreakers that are generally waterproof. Also wearing a garbage bag has saved me too. For the aforementioned marathon I wore a Glad bag and to be honest, my core stayed remarkably warm and dry. I looked terrible when it came to the in-race photos but it did work. Also, I brought the entire roll of bags and made a ton of "instant" friends when I handed them out to people.

    Glad you accomplished your race.

    To be honest, the toughest races are the ones you'll always remember and tell people out, even years later. I still remember the true cross country race I did in 2009, where it was 9F out, had standing, knee / thigh deep water on the course and mud that nearly sucked the shoes off your feet. A 5 mile race that should've taken me 32 minutes took me nearly an hour and I was miserable every step of the way... but it is a story I still tell with pride.

    Looking forward to hearing about your next race.

  5. weather sounds miserable for this year. huge congrats to A for doing her double and volunteering-she seems like the sweetest, most well rounded kid. you should be proud. i will admit, that medal entices me to want to redo texas...


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

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