Wednesday, January 2, 2013

So Long 2012

The last couple years I've done an INSANELY long recap of the previous year. I had a really tough second half of the year and don't want to do that type of post.

Total miles - 1612.90
January - 226.28
February - 277.71
March - 161.44
April - 109.30
May - 132.72
June - 143.24
July - 90.13
August - 67.08
September - 101.48
October - 101.81
November - 77.60
December 124.11

Number of Races - 43
5K - 3
10K - 3
Half Marathon - 20
14.5 Mile - 1
Marathon - 12
50K - 2
100 Mile DNF - 1
Ragnar Relay - 1

My favorite parts of 2012:
  • Training for Moab
  • Running THREE marathons (among other things) with my BFF!
  • Running my 50th State with my sister! (Although running State 49 with Kim might have been a better adventure)
  • PR for my marathon! Who cares that I ran it on January 1!
  • Lots of trail running, including the most amazing trip ever, running the Incan Trail marathon in Peru!
  • The Baker's Dozen Half marathon in Utah. For real. Most fun ever. I love food/sugar.
  • Meeting new and reuniting with old running friends. Runners are The Best.
  • Disney, Disney, Disney
  • Winning one of the Half Fanatic of the Year awards (for 2011)
My least favorite parts of 2012:
  • Not finishing Moab 100
  • Being injured. Mostly IT Band stuff, but also some calf and ankle issues throughout the year, although luckily nothing until after I was done failing at Moab :D
  • Being injured -> Running Slow -> Not liking running. A few rough months where training really went down the tubes. I "blame" the new (April) job, my good friend's unexpected death in July and overall burnout.
Looking Ahead to 2013:
  • I've said it before. I do not do resolutions. If I want to change something, I do it NOW.
  • I will be traveling much less (well, after JANUARY OF AWESOME, anyway).
  • I will likely be doing WAY less marathons. I simply can't keep up with the training, and I said I would stop running them when they stopped being fun.
    • With that said. I *do* have a few marathons on my schedule - thanks to the fact that I love to plan ahead. For now, I will keep all those on schedule.
    • Related: Have you checked out my schedule lately? It's so naked! Will I see any of my readers at these races (Obviously I will see tons of people at Eugene!)
  • OMG SO EXCITED FOR DISNEY!! I am running Goofy Challenge with my Heather and L, and then the FOLLOWING week, I get to run Tink (thanks to all your donations in support of my fundraising for the AFSP) with Heather. THE COSTUMES ARE PLANNED, THE FOOD IS BEING PLANNED. THERE IS GOING TO BE SO MUCH FUN I CAN HARDLY CONTAIN MYSELF.
  • Training-wise, I am trying to rebuild my base. I went through about 6 months of denial with my "long" runs being 4-5 miles, then "wondering" why my races were feeling so difficult. Um. Hello. It is not rocket science.
    • Related: If I can figure out how to afford it, I might try to get a running coach. Several of my run buddies have one, and are seeing awesome results. We'll see. I want to keep running FUN(ish).
The winner of the Road ID $15 gift card is......... KIM DRESDNER!! Please contact me squirrelgirl44 (at) hotmail (dot) com and I will email the gift card information to you!!



  1. #JanuaryofAwesome is going to be the best EVER.

  2. you still finished your 50 state quest so that is pretty darn awesome. extremely jealous of your january, way to kick of the new year right!

  3. i know the year didn’t end the way you wanted it to-but it was pretty awesome!! can’t wait to hang out again this spring!

  4. I'm so glad you posted about Moab 100. I totally have my eye on that race but just doing the 24 hour. Would you consider doing it again? I would love to do it with you. It sounds like a tough run though. I'm not a fan of sand. It's on March 23-24th this year. Thoughts?

  5. Wow, you did a lot of running in 2012 despite the fact you are injured. You should be very proud of yourself!!

  6. Yes, state #49 was way too much fun. Love me some West Virginia.

  7. 2013 will be better for ya Becka! And can I tempt you with a destiantion marathon? Check out the inaugural Malaysia Women Marathon at

  8. What an amazing year! You have so much to be proud of this past year.


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Week in Review (March 4 - March 10)

Tuesday  (15,531 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Gym at lunch, and once again, someone was on the StairM...