Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Years Double, Day One - Half Marathon (Race Recap)

Allen, TX
Saturday, January 31
Half Marathon #52
Texas Half #2
Weather - Chilly at the start. SUNNY and warm at finish

Not your typical race day. I signed up for the New Years Double back in September with plans of running a half on the first day and a full the second day (a la Goofy). All while visiting with my ex in-laws (I know, I'm weird) for a few days, race, and then drive A back home after spending time with her dad. The family lives in Austin, so we drove up to Dallas/Allen on Friday. It took FOREVER with all the crazy traffic. Picked up my packet and headed to CPK to have dinner with friends. DELICIOUS and tasty:

Red Velvet - and at least I shared with A
Did I mention that the trip to Dallas involved FOUR kids? Yep. Not the normal racing situation... The race didn't start until 8:15, so we were able to stay up decently late and I still could sleep IN decently late. Lisa, my ex sister-in-law was going to drop me off at the race. She dropped me about 30 minutes before the race started. I've lived in Texas. It (to me) doesn't get super cold. But... I never lived this far NORTH. I had her drop me with just the clothes on my back. I nearly FROZE TO DEATH while waiting in line for the bathroom (REAL BATHROOMS!!). Just enough time to cycle through the line and then head to the starting area. I was supposed to be in corral B, but I saw some Half Fanatics in C, so I stopped to talk to them.  SUPER nice ladies, and I finally FINALLY got to see my Half Fanatic idol, Elizabeth, who recently finished her 50th state.

Start/Finish area
The race starts and it's pretty crowded. Very narrow sidewalk through the park area. There was a loop of about 2 (?) miles through the park, then an out and back. For the half I would run this twice. In the first few miles, I spotted my race buddy! (In the yellow tank/red sleeves). I bet I have talked to him in at least 4 races in the last few months (for sure in Bismarck, Denver RnR full and St. Louis RnR). This guy is EVERYWHERE. Since I was racing without L, I ended up running with him for the remainder of the first loop. Made time FLY. I took my only GU sometime around  mile 5? (see, I don't remember anything!) - Also, heads up, I didn't take ANY course pictures except for the one below.

We parted ways at the halfway so he could leave his long sleeve shirt at his car, and because I had to stop and use the bathroom. D'oh!! I still was feeling pretty good, and somewhere around mile 8, it really got hot and I had to clean some sweat off my sunglasses. Which proceeded to self-destruct. No kidding:

$140 Adidas sunglasses :(
Blah. So then I was hot and sweaty and squinty the remainder of the race. Pretty uneventful. The course is super flat and I think I kept a pretty steady pace. Although I kept missing mile markers, so my splits are ALL OVER THE PLACE. I finished with one of my better times for the second part of the year, and that's including a bathroom stop AND a long course.

Family waiting at the finish line is AWESOME!!

Bib #343
Official Time - 2:11:16
Official Pace - 10:01
Official 3.65 miles - 37:46
Official 6.55 miles - 1:07:10
Official 10.2 miles - 1:45:17
Overall Place - 159/411
Gender Place - 93/281
Division Place - 31/85
Garmin Time - 2:11:20
Garmin Distance - 13.35 miles
Garmin Pace - 9:50
Mile 1 - 9:55
Mile 2 - 9:12
Mile 3 - 9:40
Mile 4 - 9:57
Mile 5&6 - 10:14
Mile 7 - 11:28 (bathroom)
Mile 8 - 9:34
Mile 9 - 9:34
Mile 10 - 9:24
Mile 11 - 9:43
Mile 12 - 9:32
Mile 13 - 9:28
Mile 13ish - 8:29

Random Thoughts:

  • I didn't think I would enjoy the course because of the out and back, but it was actually REALLY nice to get to see people both directions. Kept things interesting and I got to see a lot my friends. Libby, the race director, did an AMAZING job putting on the event.
  • Plenty of aid stations, amazing volunteers and a flat course? AWESOME
  • So I wore a sparkle skirt. I've worn them before. I've NEVER had so many issues. My skirt kept coming up, my belt kept going all wonky, my dumb UA compression shorts kept creeping and I look pregnant in all my race pictures. Hmph.


  1. I love my sparkle skirt to look at, but I think I need a smaller size and better shorts to wear underneath I had the exact same problems when I wore it in a race and that was only for a 5k. I can't imagine a whole half in it!

    Great job! Bummer on the glasses!

  2. At least the glasses are still on in the "proof" pic!

    Great report--looking forward to seeing you in Austin in February! Has L talked to you about maybe wearing the chocofleurs skirts?

  3. Congrats on half #52! Enjoyed reading your recap.

  4. Contact Adidas about the glasses - return them to them - you've had them for too short a period of time to break down like that. They really should replace them!

  5. Damn, that sucks about your sunglasses. That is not cool!

    Congrats on your race!

  6. Congratulations! I absolutely hate when I break or lose a pair of sunglasses!


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