Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Week in Review (February 4 - February 10)

Tuesday (15,837 steps) - Peloton ride, and apparently, this marked my FOUR YEAR weekly streak!! Hard to believe I haven't missed a Peloton workout in that long. 
Walked Olive and then went into the office. I went to the gym at lunch and had planned to use the StairMaster, but it wasn't working so I just do strength training and some stretching - still beat up after Sedona. Walked Olive when I got home.
Wednesday (20,538 steps) - Walked Olive before going to work in the office. Had a workout at lunch. I was dreading it since I'm still sore from my race, but it was actually not horrible and the weather was nice! 

Walked Olive after work.
Thursday (14,995 steps) - Work form home. Did a Peloton ride before logging in and took Olive for a walk. I asked for another day of running and more climbing, so I had to find a hill that would give me 500' of gain in 45 minutes. I figured it would be fine if I drove to the lake and did repeats there. I did NOT expect that it would still be so muddy in areas. I could only use about half of the hill, so I had to do a zillion repeats, which wasn't fun. Strength training in the afternoon, walked Olive.
Friday (18,090 steps) - Wash Park with Olive and the gang. 
Work is still boring
Did some deliveries after work and actually had a REALLY good night, including a $20 tip!
Saturday (34,720 steps) - Walked Olive before we headed down to Waterton for our long run. I wasn't dreading it, for once, so it really surprised me when it was a HORRIBLE run. After about the first mile I just struggled. Had planned on 16 miles and only ended up doing 14 because it was just so slow going. 
Surprised that there was NO mud?!

Icy and gross after we got past the big dam though

Seeing sheep always makes the day better!
Rushed home for lunch and then to 4 Noses for a beer. It got really cold so skipped the afternoon walk. Handmaid's Tale!
Sunday (25,406 steps) - Spent much of the weekend agonizing how I was going to get my run in, and what was finally decided was that I would do it BEFORE our Runners Roost team kickoff, that was at the inconvenient time of 9 am. I had 2 hours on schedule, but pared it down to 90 minutes. It was pretty darn chilly, and while slow, not the worst. The sunrise was also really pretty!
I barely had time to take a quick shower and get Olive ready before we headed down to the store. We got there right at 9 and walked with Maureen and Annette for a few miles before the meeting portion. Really excited that this year's kit comes with a hoodie (first time in a decade!!) 
Colfax and Olive!
We stopped at Parry's on the way home so my one beer of the day could be a Juicy Bits. Did my yoga video (another request by me to add to my workouts) and took Olive for a walk before it got cold. Super Bowl! I was really disappointed in the commercials this year, but actually enjoyed the game. Still had time to watch an episode of Handmaid's Tale before bed.
Monday (21,289 steps) - Took Olive for a walk before logging in. Had my annual gyno appointment in the morning, then a run at lunch. I am finally feeling better and not sluggish. Definitely think something is going on with my heart rate monitor though, I either have to get that figured out or just not use it. 
Wearing my super warm Smartwool sweater AND jacket and not overdressed :(
Took Olive for a medium-length walk. Did one delivery after work and then met Ben at Costco for our weekly shopping. Ugh. Handmaid's Tale!

  • 150,875 steps
  • 34 miles run
  • 18.66 miles walked
  • 30 minutes of cardio
  • 90 minutes of strength


  1. Where did you get that coat?!? So cute!!

    1. Hey Ally, the coat was made by rabbit a few years ago - they currently (or should) still have a similar pattern, but it's black instead of white!


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Week in Review (February 11 - February 17)

Tuesday  (13,128 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Did the StairMaster and a full body strength workout.  ...