Friday, February 27, 2015

Week in Review (February 17 - February 23)

Tuesday (16,916 steps) - Treadmill run, just over three miles. No hills, just taking it easy.
Wednesday (15,700 steps) - I had ordered the Garmin 920XT a week ago and it finally came in! It was a bit sad to drive to run club and not be able to stay. Womp. 5K at the gym.
Batman Sour is suspicious of watch. He was swatting at it like it was a snake
Thursday (17,609 steps) - Hills, glorious hills. I am sticking to my guns on this and getting at least one hilly run a week. This one wasn't too bad, and I appreciated not having the biggest inclines at the end.

And then I HAD to go out and do a super short test run with the new watch. Just to make sure the blue tooth and uploading was going to work ok for my next "real" run. I love it! It's a bit confusing as the start button (actually the "enter" button) is in a completely different place than my beloved 220, but I'm sure that will just take some getting used to.

Friday (10,419 steps) - PIZZA! Oh, and Ariel and I worked the first Girl Scout cookie booth of the season. Did you know that Denver has a cookie shortage??? We ran out of thin mints troop-wide and were unable to get more. Do you know how hard it is to sell Girl Scout cookies without thin mints? We still sold almost 500 boxes over the course of a few hours. People were stocking up for snowpocalypse...
Saturday (19,059 steps) - It DID snow a decent amount overnight, but A and I were determined to get our run done. It wasn't that cold, low 30's/upper 20's and we knew we were supposed to get more snow overnight.
And then I met L at the gym for some CrossRamp time and almost died in the sauna since I was still wearing ALL THE CLOTHES from running outside.

We stocked up for the snowpocalypse by ordering ALL THE PIZZA.

Man. It was really the most delicious ever. I hadn't eaten at Pizza Hut in ages. Did you know that you can get custom sauces and crusts now?? If you haven't had the honey sriracha you should try it. IT IS THE BEST EVER.

Sunday (5,681 steps) - The worst snowpocalypse ever. We didn't get anywhere close to the amount of snow needed to cancel work and school. I did not leave the house all day, although A did go out and shovel our entire driveway and sidewalk. #motivated (as you can tell, I was NOT motivated. Literally sat on the couch ALL DAY).

I also made a crock pot of turkey chili. WOW. Could this be any easier to make? What is it, like four ingredients? Yum.

Monday (20,182 steps) - Managed a FULL HOUR of hills on the treadmill. That last incline is 4.5% (crying). So hard! Impressed with my motivation, I normally stop under 4 miles.

Miles Run - 18.1
Weekly Steps - 105,566
Minutes of Cross Training - 45
Minutes of Strength/Stretching - 0 (oops)

Everything Else
  • No closer to recovering anything from the Kilimanjaro scam. Wheee. Thanks a lot, scammers.
  • Work is going well. Really getting into a good groove. Keeping busy more and learning more things. I have been asked if I mind learning/doing some paralegal work. The best thing about being a secretary is that I don't have "billable" hours, so I *can* bill, but an evaluation on my job performance doesn't really depend on it.
  • Nothing else. Except it is finally winter here and I'm over it. Already.
  • Weigh in from the Dumb Challenge is on Friday. Can't wait to see how much not caring has gained me (literally).

1 comment:

  1. It would be my honor to keep your old Garmin alive and well. I could use it, post the data, and I would look good wearing it!! Cheers P.S. Congrats on paying off the car!!!!


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Week in Review (February 11 - February 17)

Tuesday  (13,128 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Did the StairMaster and a full body strength workout.  ...