Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Summer Breeze Half Marathon (Race Recap)

Saturday, June 21
Arvada, CO
Half Marathon #109
Colorado Half #45
Weather - Humid and overcast

The Summer Breeze half marathon happened to be held on the first day of summer this year. The forecast all week long was that the high was going to be 90 degrees. Of course it wouldn't be quite that warm at 7:00 in the morning, but by the time we would be finishing, I was anticipating temperatures to be in the upper 70's. L had run the course before, in January, and warned that it was hilly, AND a double out and back. With no shade. Let's just say that I was NOT looking forward to this race and that I was running it just to check it off my list of half marathons.

The race is extremely local, less than a ten minute drive from our house. With a 7 am start (NOT EARLY ENOUGH), we didn't drop off the kids at my parents house until about 6:25. That still gave us enough time to cycle through the bathroom lines twice before the start. (L had picked up our packets in advance, but I still think we would have had enough time to do that in less than 30 minutes).

Like all other half marathon races put on by All-Out Multisport, there was also a 5k and a 10k, but they started after we did. The race started just a few minutes late (the RD is a chatty lady), and I started in back. It was overcast and I was hoping that it would stay that way. The first mile was "hard" but not the worst. I started to feel like my legs were cramping up and welcomed the first aid station about 1.25 miles. I thought walking through the aid station would loosen up my legs a bit, but if anything, it made it worse. My legs felt like they were on FIRE and I walked a good 3-4 minutes of the second mile and even had to stop to stretch. That's no fun. I finally started jogging and it still hurt, but not as bad.

This was going to be a long day. There was another aid station at the base of "the big hill" (up Indiana), where we would go for the turnaround. By the time we headed back down, I was feeling a bit better. It was still cloudy, but extremely humid. I was HOT. I had to stop and use the bathroom at the aid station at mile 5, and I was really dreading heading back out for the second loop.

Free race pic! Finishing up first loop
It was much more deserted as almost all the participants of the shorter distances were already done. I did not feel nearly as good the second loop and my legs/feet were numb for probably 8 miles - which is always uncomfortable and a bit annoying. I somehow managed to pass a few people on the second loop and was of course, REALLY happy to be finished.

Official Time - 2:22:57
Overall Place - 60/88
Gender Place - 30/50
Division Place - 7/15
Mile 1 - 10:15
Mile 2 - 12:56 (sooo much walking)
Mile 3 - 11:21
Mile 4 - 10:35
Mile 5 - 9:51
Mile 6 - 11:22 (bathroom)
Mile 7 -11:06
Mile 8 - 11:24
Mile 9 - 11:33
Mile 10 - 10:54
Mile 11 - 10:32
Mile 12 - 10:08
Mile 13 - 10:46
Mile 13.1ish - 8:16 pace *LOL

L won her age group, so we actually stuck around for awards. And, since you have to be present to win for the raffle, we stayed for that as well. We both managed to win an hour of "jump time" for a trampoline center - perfect prize for the kids.

  • I say this for every single summer race in the city. WHY WHY WHY does it not start until 7:00? I mean, is there a reason they can't start at 6:00 for the longer distances? It gets so dang hot, it would be nice to be done earlier.
  • Plenty of aid stations on the course, water and electrolytes, with one aid station also giving out Clif gels (two flavors). L said they didn't offer her any, so not sure if they were out on the table or if they were being handed out.
  • Very well marked course, no way you could get lost on this one.
  • TERRIBLE TERRIBLE TERRIBLE course. The only thing I like about multiple out and back races is getting to see other people the whole time. This course was just bad, with a random run up a decently busy road. On the first loop especially, we had to run in the road as the shoulder sloped from road to dirt and wasn't especially safe to run on.
  • I like the gender specific shirts that All-Out gives out. I actually wear these for cross-training. All races should have these.
  • Medal for all distances (same medal, regardless of distance).
  • Pretty good post-race food. They always have burritos (I get bacon and egg of course), Powerade and plenty of water. They also have some fruit and bagels, although I never get any of that.
  • For this race, FREE RACE PICTURES! Boy, I can't wait to see what these look like, as the photographer was right by the aid station, lol.
  • Overall, the race is fine. I will not run again because I hate the course and because this time of year is too hot to be running. But, not a bad price point at $55. I would recommend All-Out races... just maybe not THIS race.


  1. You two look adorable in your race day outfits.
    I'm said to say that the 5k in Seattle I just signed up for is the same price as this half. Races are getting expensive sometimes!

  2. Sounds like a tough, hot race. That's nice that they offer free race pictures.

  3. Funny. I'm always saying, why do races have to start so EARLY! My New York race was an evening start. Haven't seen any others since.

    Just stumbled upon your blog. I'll catch up! Mine is halfsandhikes at wordpress. 29 of 50 states done.

  4. i love all the scenery in your pics. i'm curious how many CO races you have left and what will be the goal after that??? congrats on another!

  5. Awesome t have a race that close to your home. Love the scenery!!


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