Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

Burned 49 pounds yet 10 pounds heavier... hmmm


  1. Can we talk about how your jan + february is over 3/4 of my whole year... damn

  2. That is a pretty interesting graphic! You can tell a lot about someone that way ;)

  3. I found your site through a roundabout reading of many others and I just wanted to say you're an inspiration. Not just for the ridiculous number of runs under your belt but also the challenges you've overcome. I know what it's like, unfortunately. I assume you live in Colorado as well; I was impressed by the long list of halves in CO. I had no idea there were that many runs in this state. Good luck to you in 2013. I'm sure you're going to kill it, if the past is any indication. I look forward to following along.


  4. haha! Same here, I apparently burned like 70 pounds yet added 10. Weird ...

  5. insane mileage-even when you were having “bad months”- haven’t even pulled mine up yet. don’t want to look at what i burned either. blah.

  6. Holy cow - that's some seriously impressive mileage!

  7. I has the same thought when I saw my daily mile report. I have powered a gazillion TVs and burnt many pounds yet weight is the same. Makes me kind of sad.

  8. It's that pesky nutrition that'll get ya.


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Week in Review (March 4 - March 10)

Tuesday  (15,531 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Gym at lunch, and once again, someone was on the StairM...