Friday, January 18, 2013

TGIF and Preparing for Tink!

I know that I just got back from Disney, but I'm headed back! Tonight, A and I head to Orange County for the TinkerBell half!

I wanted to thank everyone that donated for Team AFSP, I ended up raising $551.00!

Also, I realized just the other day that Tink will be my 100th race of 13.1 miles or longer. Say what??


  1. 100 races is pretty damn amazing! Hope you guys have a great time this weekend.

  2. back to back disney races--- sounds like an EXCELLENT january to me! HUGE congrats on the 100th race :)

  3. Wow that's amazing...huge accomplishment...congrats!

  4. Wow! That is amazing! I am on my states journey right now and estimating it will take a decade or so due to cost. So that's pretty incredible all that you've accomplished. Good luck at Tink!

  5. Wow, Congrats!!!! Have fun!

  6. 100th race?! Awesome. I feel like a total slacker!! A friend was just telling me that the Georgetown to Idaho Springs race is only $15 right now so I looked up your race review. Um maybe not... :)

  7. all this disney and your 100th race??? not sure it gets any better!

  8. Wowzers Becka! And 100th in Disney - magic will happen (for sure!) this weekend!

  9. This race was so much fun!!! Your photos came out amazingly. What point and shoot camera do you use? My camera had a hard time in the dark so I've decided I need a different camera!


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (March 4 - March 10)

Tuesday  (15,531 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Gym at lunch, and once again, someone was on the StairM...