Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Week in Review (April 6 - April 12)

Tuesday (9,839 steps) - Work in the office. I went for a "long" walk at lunch. It was cold and windy. Sick of this weather!
Peloton ride when I got home.
Wednesday (20,379 steps) - Work in the office. Took Pika for a walk at lunch and did a 15 minute upper body strength video. After work Tyler and Kristin stopped by to see Shelly, then we headed up to Boulder for a run. We did an add on to our "regular" loop, which added a few hundred feet of gain. Really pretty evening, but tough.

It was National Beer Day AND Colorado Pint Day. We had checked around and most places seemed like they would not have any glasses left, so I asked Ben to head to Resolute and meet us there. He was only able to score two glasses, but we had a great time socializing with everyone.
Thursday (14,620 steps) - Work from home. I had some extra time this week, so instead of taking Pika for a walk, we went to Green Mountain at lunch for a run. Thankfully, it was cloudy, so it wasn't that hot. We went up the fire road, so it was mostly just walking, and then down a single track trail I don't remember ever existing. Since it was the middle of the day, there weren't a ton of bikes, which I appreciated.

Peloton ride and a Pilates video that I didn't like at all.
Friday (17,358 steps) - Work in the office. I got up early to meet Kristin and Pete at Wash Park for a walk before work. It was a beautiful morning and it was great to chat with Pete.
We went to Stella's for coffee. Apparently the take turns buying rounds of coffee, so my delicious French Toast Latte was "free."
Walk at work and then another walk with Pika when I got home. 
Saturday (21,272 steps) - A had a group run with her track team at 9, so I had planned a route that I could do on the trails nearby. I actually had a pretty great run for the most part. Got through the first half hour without needing a walk break, and then only a few short ones. Even added on some extra climbing at the end.

Took Pika for a walk when I got home. We didn't do much the rest of the day, but we invited Tyler over for beer and got WAY too much sun.
Sunday (25,150 steps) - Up early to head to Lair o' the Bear for this year's Wester run. Per the norm, I didn't want to run with the group, so we started a half hour before them. I mostly stuck with Maureen in the back. Outside of some ice on the lower part of the trail, it was in great shape.

We had hoped to go to Over Yonder for beer, but they didn't open until noon, so we went to Mill Street for food instead. I had a delicious gyro pita and tater tots. Mmmmm, tots. Nothing the rest of the day, except Pika got her first bath in a while.
Monday (8,055 steps) - Work from home. Went for a longish walk at lunch, yet still apparently barely moved all day. Did a Peloton ride and a strength video after work. Nothing else.

  • 116,673 steps
  • 23.99 miles run
  • 50 minutes Peloton
  • 5 minutes rowing
  • 40 minutes cross training

1 comment:

I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (February 11 - February 17)

Tuesday  (13,128 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Did the StairMaster and a full body strength workout.  ...