Thursday, March 11, 2021

Week in Review (March 2 - March 8)

Tuesday (10,040 steps) - Work in the office. Just went for a short walk on my lunch break. A went with me to take Pika for a walk when I got home, then I did some Peloton strength/yoga and a ride.
Wednesday (18,837 steps) - Work from home. Did a short core video in the morning. Pika walk at lunch. WE FINALLY HAVE A FINISHED BATHROOM!! The last step of the process was waiting on a custom glass shower door. So happy this is done.
Up to Boulder for a run in El Dorado. It was a beautiful night, and thankfully there was not too much mud. It was so warm that I actually started the run in bare arms, but as soon as the sun started to go down I was happy to have brought my light jacket.
Thursday (10,442 steps) - Work from home. Really no recollection of the day, other than I did a Peloton ride and a strength video, and took Pika for a walk. The lost day...
Friday (11,376 steps) - Work in the office. I actually managed a longer walk on my lunch hour, and the weather was really nice. After work, Jeramiah, Kristin and Doug came over to hang out at the fire pit. We ordered pizza and set up a buffet outside, it was a lot of fun! Before we knew it, it was pretty late.
Saturday (24,402 steps) - Kristin and I had plans to go up in the hills for run to avoid the mud on the front range. She picked me up at 8 and we headed to the Sourdough trail (that I ran once, in a race, back in 2018). We were really surprised that there were not many cars in the lot. With our upcoming race, we were excited to be trying out our new spikes. Unfortunately for Kristin, she realized after the hour long drive that she had left her pack at home. Ugh!! We "only" had 8 miles to do, and since she had a small handheld, we headed out. The trail was 100% snow/ice. I have never done a run in spikes, but I was glad to have them. By the time we turned around, it was sunny and warm enough that the snow was getting soft, which was really hard to run in.

We definitely avoided mud, and as a bonus, people! Between the fat bikers, cross country skiers, hikers and snowshoers, I think we only saw about a dozen people over the course of a few hours. I was also really glad to have had the chance to try out the Ultraspire Zygos pack. I think I actually FINALLY found a pack that will check all the boxes for longer events. And I have been working with customer service to return the Astral pack that I didn't love (and actually had a small manufacturing defect anyway) to get that one returned. ANYWAY, we started the drive home and realized Nederland was packed with people, so we headed closer to home to get food/beer. On the drive we saw a giant moose, but by the time we pulled over to try and get pictures he had moved into the brush. We stopped at a cute restaurant near Wondervu that had absolutely amazing food - and a great patio.
Did I mention that we FINALLY got a bar in the basement? I told Ben we should have happy hour down there, and of course neither him nor Ariel wanted to be in a picture. Now that we have everything set up in the basement, we will be hanging up the rest of our artwork and such, but it's really a work in progress.
Sunday (15,978 steps) - "Slept in" as much as old people can. Ben had plans to run longer-ish, which I had no interest in doing again, so like last Sunday, I moved my Monday run to Sunday and headed out for what ended up being a REALLY WARM 45ish minute run. Overall, I felt pretty good, I just have been having an issue with numb feet again, which hasn't been a problem in a long time, so I need to figure that out. When I got back, I rowed while Ariel did a Peloton ride, then we did a strength video. I love when she joins me for a workout! Ben and I took Pika for a walk and then decided we should have a date day and go to a brewery since the weather was so nice still. We went to Over Yonder and had a few beers before stopping to pick up dinner.
A friend of ours had posted a delicious charcuterie plate and so we improvised one and snacked on it while Ben made burgers. This was the most full I have been in a long time. So good though!
Monday (17,208 steps) - Work from home. Took Pika for a walk while I waited for it to warm up for my run. (Even though it was actually much warmer than I thought it was.) I had speedwork on schedule again, and while I wanted to be optimistic about it, after how well it had gone last week, I wasn't. I was dreading the fact that my coach took out a minute of rest out of every rep. Since the trails at the lake had finally dried out, I thought it would be "easy" to do out and back repeats. Turns out, running north is gradually uphill, and I really struggled on those. I took two unplanned walk breaks, but I gutted it out. I really hope that I will start to see more improvement in my base over time if I keep this up.
I did a 20 minute ride on the Peloton and boy was it hard - I can't believe how much work it is on this bike, haha. 

  • 108,283 steps
  • 21.56 miles run
  • 55 minutes Peloton
  • 20 minutes rowing
  • 40 minutes cross training

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Week in Review (February 11 - February 17)

Tuesday  (13,128 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Did the StairMaster and a full body strength workout.  ...